Urban & Environmental 

System Analysis Research Group

About Urban-ESA Group

... is a research group working on Urban and Environmental problems under the scope of Solid Waste Management Systems with the Graduate Program on Water Resources and Environmental Technology - PTARH at the University of Brasilia

The members of the research laboratory also encompass students from the undergraduate level from the different departments of Engineering at the Faculty of Technology, University of Brasilia.

 Poster Presentation at 15th Bienal International Conference on EcoBalance. Fukuoka, Japan
 Poster Presentation at UnB Week # 1.5 Degree LifeStyle Project
Workshop with high schools at UnB Week #2022
1.5 Degree LifeStyle Card Game

Mrs. Michelle FONSECA and Mr.  Arthur RAMOS  successfully defended their Graduation Essay.  Congratulations!


Mrs. Flora FUJIWARA successfully defended her Master's Thesis.  Congratulations on her Graduation from the Master Course PTARH.


Mrs. Clara FEITOZA  presentation on the research about Technological Alternatives to Reduce the Environmental Impacts of Organic Waste from the University Restaurant at UnB at the 14th International Forum on Solid Waste held in Porto Alegre, Brazil.  Congratulations!


Mr. Victor Silva published the article "Analyzing Diets’ Contribution to Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Brasilia, Brazil" in the Sustainability Journal  Congratulations! 


Mrs. Flora FUJIWARA's Poster presentation "Carbon footprint analysis of food packaging in Brasilia, Brazil." The 15th Bienal International Conference on EcoBalance. Fukuoka, Japan. Congratulations! (Supported by FAPDF)

Mrs. Julia PRADO published the article  "Análise das emissões de gases do efeito estufa pelo coprocessamento de resíduos sólidos em indústria cimenteira" in Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade. Good job!


Congratulations, Mrs. Clara FEITOSA, Ivana NONATO, and Júlia ENEIAS, elaborating the workshop "ENC convida as escolas: “Você sabe o que é Consumo Consciente? É preciso ajudar o planeta consumindo corretamente!" during UnB Week. #SEMUNI-2022. 


Mrs. Camila LOPES successfully defended her Master's Thesis.  Congratulations on her Graduation from the Master Course PTARH.


Mrs. Flora FUJIWARA's presentation on the research about GHG Mitigation by RDF approach at the 13th International Forum on Solid Waste held in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  Congratulations!


Mrs. Amanda AZEVEDO and Mrs. Júlia PRADO successfully defended their Graduation Essay.  Congratulations!


Mrs. Thais CUNHA graduated from Master Course PTARH. Congratulations!


Mr. Gabriel COTRIM graduated from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Congratulations!


Mr. Victor SILVA graduated from Master Course PTARH. Congratulations!


Defense of Master Dissertation of Victor Silva "Application of Life Cycle Assessment to estimate greenhouse gas emissions related to food consumption: a case study in Brasília, DF"


Ms. Carolina ARRAIS and Ms. Ana Carla NETTO graduated from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Congratulations!


Article entitled "Life Cycle Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Management Options: A Case Study of Refuse Derived Fuel Production in the City of Brasilia, Brazill" by Victor Silva (M2) published in the Journal of Cleaner Production.


Article  entitled "Proposta de otimização do transporte de resíduos sólidos urbanos coletados no Distrito Federal" by Victor Silva (M2) published on the Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade journal.


Urban-ESA Lab website launch!


Participation of Ms. Arrais at UnB Week with 1.5 Degree & Life Style Card Game